报告名称:John ellipsoid, affine isoperimetric inequality and convex geometry
专家简介:湖北人,同济大学教授、博士生导师。主要研究凸体几何。解决了凸体几何中的几个重要公开问题,在纯数学国际重要期刊JDG, Adv. Math., JFA, CVPDE, IUMJ, IMRN, BLMS, CAG, DCG, JGA等上发表文章25篇。
报告摘要:It is known that there exists a unique ellipsoid of maximal volume inside a convex body in Rn . This ellipsoid is called the John ellipsoid (named after mathematician Fritz John), and has many applications in convex geometry, functional analysis, and optimizations, etc. Particularly, that combining the isotropic characterization of John ellipsoid with the celebrated Brascamp-Lieb inequality in real analysis, plays a major role to attack reverse isoperimetric problem.
In this talk, we will first briefly survey the discipline of convex geometry. Then, the classical John ellipsoid and its applications to affine isoperimetric inequalities will be discussed. Finally, we will introduce our work on (reverse) affine isoperimetric problems.