报告名称:Mean curvature flow of surfaces in a hyperkaehler 4-manifold
专家简介:邱红兵,武汉大学青年老师,博士毕业于复旦大学。主持国家自然科学基金面上一项,青年一项。在Advance in Math.,PAMS等著名杂志发表论文10余篇。
报告摘要:In this talk, we firstly prove that every hyper-Lagrangian submanifold L^{2n}(n > 1) in a hyperkaehler 4n-manifold is a complex Lagrangian submanifold. Secondly, we study the geometry of hyper-Lagrangian surfaces and demonstrate an optimal rigidity theorem with the condition on the complex phase map of self-shrinking surfaces in R^4 . Last but not least, we show that the mean curvature flow from a closed surface with the image of the complex phase map contained in S^2\(S^1_{+}) in a hyperkaehler 4-manifold does not develop any Type I singularity. This is a joint work with Dr. Linlin Sun.