报告名称:Two-level autocorrelation of sequences: An overview
报告专家:Tor Helleseth
专家所在单位:卑尔根大学(University of Bergen)
专家简介:Tor Helleseth教授是挪威科学院院士,Bergen大学终身教授,IEEE Fellow,中国外国专家局“高端外国专家项目”特聘专家,信息科学领域的国际著名学者,一直致力于基础理论和应用研究,在编码理论、信息安全、组合数学等领域都做出了开创性和奠基性的工作,迄今已发表论文300余篇,其中包括国际信息论旗舰刊物《IEEE信息论会刊》100余篇。
报告摘要:Maximal length sequences (m-sequences) over an alphabet of size p, p a prime, are sequences having period p^n –1 that are generated by a linear recursion of degree n. These sequences have many nice applications due to their celebrated two-valued autocorrelation property. There are several other sequences with similar two-level autocorrelation properties. In this talk we present a brief overview and history of the problem of finding binary and non-binary sequences with a two-valued autocorrelation.